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A special feature of the service is its ease of use and the opportunity it gives you to recreate functions and activities of a real school in a virtual way.
The service provides virtual classrooms that reproduce the physical ones,  and which are accessible by means of a link. All students will have their link and, simply by saving it in the browser, they can easily enter the classroom, even without downloading any app or software.

By downloading the app, teachers will have full visibility of all the classrooms and will be able to access them with a simple click, without needing to memorize multiple links or passwords.

In the same way, they will be able to access a staff room and will have personal rooms available for meetings with parents.
Headmasters and school management, by downloading the app, will have complete visibility of the entire school and will be able to access any classroom with a simple click. As if it were a real school. In the same way they will be able to access personal rooms where they can hold meetings with colleagues or their students' parents, or use them for any other purpose.

The service is multilingual to meet the needs of any school





  • Virtual classroom for lessons with up to 50 participants, replaces a physical classroom.

  • Immediate access from a PC / Tablet / Smartphone via a link.

  • Compatible with Windows / Mac / Linux operating systems.

  • Direct access from a Web Browser, without downloading applications

  • App for iOS and Android. • Desktop sharing. • Shared Whiteboard.

  • Audio access, including by phone.

  • Video resolution up to 4K UHD.

  • Audio and video interactivity, as if you were in a classroom.

  • High quality even under limited connection conditions.

  • Unlimited number of videoconferencing sessions.

  • No reservation needed.

  • Technical assistance in Italian by e-mail and telephone



The access and presence of participants in video conferences is tracked and a specific report is made available by the JoinVideo platform that contains the information on all the participants, including their connection time 

Teacher account allows to:

• See all activated virtual classrooms

• Enter any classroom immediately, even in case of a schedule change, with just one click.

• See when a teacher is online.


Dean / Vice Dean account with supervision functions allows to:

• Hold one-to-one meetings with teachers.

• See all activated virtual classrooms.

• Enter any classroom immediately.

• See when a teacher is online (if the latter has an account).

• Access usage reports


Staff Room:

It is a room reserved for school management and teachers, with private access.


Other options available:

• Lesson Recording & Streaming, with available space from 100GB to 500GB.


Minimum configuration:

5 accounts (both for teachers and Dean).
The number of classrooms that can be created is unlimited, but it should not exceed that of teachers





Each teacher can see others and is enabled to make a point-to-point call to talk to them.

Before the lesson teachers should only look for the classroom they are going to give a lesson in (just like in real school life) and click to enter.

We also provide a "staff room" reserved for meetings among teachers (just like in real school life).

At any time Dean and Vice Dean can enter any classroom they want and follow the lesson (just like in real school life).

All the teaching activities, carried out remotely, are verifiable at any time.

The Dean has control of each lesson, as well as complete reporting on it.

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